Google Drive for Keptn
We have a public Google Drive folder for community content: Documents, Slides, Google Forms, Spreadsheets, photos, etc. All documents on this Google Drive are publicly accessible for commenting by anyone on the internet.
At the moment the folder is hosted on the Keptn Gmail account, keptnproject at
It might be moved over to another account in the future.
Prvivate folders
It’s possible to create restricted folders and documents on this Google Drive too. Private folders are not advised for non-sensitive content, but they may be created if there is a reason for that. Same for the documents with disabled comments.
To restrict privileges for a document, open the document and select Share then select Change on the lower left of the pop-up. You can modify who can access the doc and what sort of access they have by default.
Getting write access
All Keptn contributors and community members can get access.
Ask in #keptn-project
or submit a ticket in this repository with a justification.
You will also need to provide email of a Google or Google Workspace compatible account so that
we could grant you access.
- Alois Reitbauer
- David Hirsch
- Oleg Nenashev