Contribution guidelines for documentation

Guidelines for contributing towards Keptn

The Contribution Guidelines page contains guidelines that are relevant for both documentation and software contributions. This page lists additional guidelines that are relevant only to documentation

Guidelines for contributing

  • Keep your language clean and crisp. We do not have an official Style Guide for Keptn but the Google developer documentation style guide is a good general reference.

  • Use topic sentences for sections and paragraphs. When reading a well-written technical document, you should be able to read the first sentence in each paragraph and especially in each section to get an idea of what might follow.

    Good oral presentations commonly begin with a “set-up” where they describe a problem and then proceed to tell how to fix that problem. When using oral presentations as source material, it is important to rewrite the text so that the actual subject of discussion comes first.

  • Avoid using FAQ’s in documentation. In general, they say “here is some miscellaneous information that I was too lazy to organize logically for you.” On rare occasions, they may be appropriate, such as if you need a quick reference to a large, complicated document and include links to detailed documentation about the topic.

  • We are attempting to avoid duplicated information across the doc set, especially for information that is expected to change. For example, information about supported Kubernetes versions and the command sequence to install Keptn should usually be done as references to the official installation section of the docs.

    For usability considerations, we make the following exceptions:

    • The main file for the lifecycle-toolkit repository includes this basic information as well as a link to the full installation documentation which has more details.
    • The Getting Started Guide also includes this information for the same reason.
  • When you want to display a sample file that exists in the repository, use the embed path shortcode syntax (which automatically pulls the current version of the file into your document) rather than copying the text. This ensures that, when the sample file is updated, your document is also updated.

    For example, to embed the examples/sample-app/version3/app-pre-deploy-eval.yaml file, the syntax is:

    {{<embed path="/examples/sample-app/version-3/app-pre-deploy-eval.yaml">}}
  • markdownlint enforces limits on line length. Links to other documents are exempted from this limit but, if a line has words before and after the long string, markdownlint fails. A good practice is to just code all links on their own page. So, instead of coding:

    The [Other section](long-link-to-section) page

    you should code the following, unless the link is so short that you are sure it will not violate the line-length rules::

    [Other section](long-link-to-section)
  • Always build the documentation locally to check the formatting and verify that all links are working properly. See Build Documentation Locally for details.

  • Always run the following to fix most markdown issues in your PR and identify issues that can not be fixed automatically:

    make markdownlint-fix

    See Markdownlint for details.