Spell checker

How to work with the spell checker

All PRs that are pushed to a Keptn repository are run through a spell checker that is based on the check-spelling GitHub action.

Note, however, that you are still responsible for reading your text carefully. The tool does not flag if you used a real word that is not the right word, if you misuse “setup” versus “set up”, and so forth.

Handling Spell Checker errors

If you get a Spell Checker error:

  1. Right-click the details link for Spell Checker.

  2. If you do not want to read through the whole (and rather verbose) log, type unrecognized words in the search box at the top.

  3. This shows the word(s) that caused Spell Checker to fail.

    • If these are genuine misspellings, correct the spelling in your local branch or using the github editor and push the new commit to resolve the errors.

    • If a word that is flagged is a legitimate word, follow the instructions in the report to propose adding it to our dictionary. This request will be added to your PR for review and, if approved, will be merged when the PR is merged.

    • If your PR includes a file that should not be spell-checked, you can add it to the excludes.txt file as part of your PR. It will be reviewed and, if approved, merged as part of your PR.

For more details about handling errors that are found, see the Check-spelling docs.

Implementation details

For full technical details about the spell checker, see:

The Keptn spell checker checks both documentation and code for spelling, based on a set of dictionaries:

  • We use general English language and technical terminology from dictionaries that are provided and maintained by check-spelling. The configuration is specified in files in the .github/actions/spelling directory. expect.txt lists Keptn terms for both documentation and code.
  • We also use the specialized technical dictionaries provided by check-spelling for Kubernetes and Go. The dictionaries we use are specified in the .github/workflows/spell-checker.yml file.

Check-spelling supports both American and British spelling and both are allowed in the Keptn documentation.

Check-spelling provides dictionaries for a number of non-English languages but we do not currently use those.

Note that Check-spelling does not check for proper capitalization of terms. All dictionary terms are listed with lowercase letters. Check-spelling recognizes capitalized versions of these words but, if capitalized words are listed in a dictionary, check-spelling rejects non-capitalized forms which are common in code.