Fork and clone the repository

How to get a local version of the Keptn repository

Perform the following steps to create a copy of the Keptn repository on your local machine:

  1. Fork the Keptn repository:

    • Log into GitHub (or create a GitHub account and then log into it).
    • Go to the Keptn lifecycle-toolkit repository.
    • Click the Fork button at the top of the screen.
    • Choose the user for the fork from the options you are given, usually your GitHub ID.

    A copy of this repository is now available in your GitHub account.

  2. Get the string to use when cloning your fork:

    • Click the green “Code” button on the UI page.
    • Select the protocol to use for this clone (either HTTPS or SSH).
    • A box is displayed that gives the URL for the selected protocol. Click the icon at the right end of that box to copy that URL.
  3. Run the git clone command from the shell of a local directory to clone the forked repository to a directory on your local machine, pasting in the URl you saved in the previous step.

    For example, if you are using HTTPS:

    git clone<UserName>/lifecycle-toolkit

    Or if you are using SSH:

    git clone<UserName>/lifecycle-toolkit.git

    Where <UserName> is your GitHub username. The lifecycle-toolkit directory is now available in the local directory.

  4. Associate your clone with upstream.

    • In a shell, go to the root folder of the project and run git status to confirm that you are on the main branch.

    • Type the following to associate upstream with your clone, pasting in the string for the main repo that you copied above.:

      git remote add upstream

You are now ready to create a local branch and begin to create the software or documentation modifications.