
Understand Keptn evaluations and how to use them

A Keptn evaluation does a simple evaluation of the metrics data you capture, to answer a question such as “Do I have more than four CPUs available?” or “Is my remote database accessible?” or check for other problems in your infrastructure. It can be defined to run before or after your software is deployed.

When an evaluation is run pre-deployment, the deployment is kept in a pending state until the result of the evaluations show that the infrastructure is capable of accepting deployments again.

Use the Analysis feature if you want to do more complex investigations that may include multiple criteria with weights and scoring applied.

To implement evaluations, you must:

  1. Install and enable Keptn in your cluster. You will need both the Keptn Metrics Operator (metrics-operator) and the Keptn Lifecycle Operator (lifecycle-operator) components.
  2. Define a KeptnMetricsProvider resource for each data source you want to use for evaluations. You can define multiple instances of multiple types of data providers.
  3. Annotate all workloads (Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and ReplicaSets) with basic annotations.
  4. Generate the required KeptnApp resources following the instructions in Auto app discovery.
  5. Define a KeptnMetric resource for each piece of data (defined as a query from one of your data sources) that you need for your evaluations.
  6. Create KeptnEvaluationDefinition resources for each evaluation you want to perform.
  7. Manually edit the appropriate KeptnApp resources to annotate them for each KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource you want to run pre- and/or post-deployment.

Create KeptnEvaluationDefinition resources

A KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource contains a list of objectives, each of which checks whether a defined KeptnMetric resource meets a defined target value. The example app-pre-deploy-eval.yaml file specifies the app-pre-deploy-eval-2 evaluation as follows:

apiVersion: lifecycle.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind: KeptnEvaluationDefinition
  name: app-pre-deploy-eval-2
  namespace: podtato-kubectl
    - keptnMetricRef:
        name: available-cpus
        namespace: podtato-kubectl
      evaluationTarget: ">1"

The evaluationTarget is set to be >1, so this evaluation ensures that more than 1 CPU is available before the workload or application is deployed.

This evaluation references the KeptnMetric resource that is named available-cpus. This is defined in the example metric.yaml file:

apiVersion: metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind: KeptnMetric
  name: available-cpus
  namespace: podtato-kubectl
    name: my-provider
  query: "sum(kube_node_status_capacity{resource='cpu'})"
  fetchIntervalSeconds: 10

Note the following:

  • One KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource can include multiple objective fields that reference additional metrics. In this example, you might want to also query available memory, disk space, and other resources that are required for the deployment.
  • The KeptnMetric resources that are referenced in a KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource
    • can be defined on different namespaces in the cluster
    • can query different instances of different types of metric providers
  • All objectives within a KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource are evaluated in order. If the evaluation of any objective fails, the KeptnEvaluation itself fails.
  • You can define multiple evaluations for each stage (pre- and post-deployment). These evaluations run in parallel so the failure of one evaluation has no effect on whether other evaluations are completed.
  • The results of each evaluation is written to a KeptnEvaluation resource.

Annotate the KeptnApp resource

To define the pre- and post-deployment evaluations to run, you must manually edit the KeptnApp YAML file to provide an annotation for each KeptnEvaluationDefinition resource to be run pre- and post-deployment. The annotations for evaluations are:

keptn.sh/pre-deployment-evaluations: <evaluation-name>
keptn.sh/post-deployment-evaluations: <evaluation-name>

Caveat: Be very careful when implementing pre-deployment evaluations since, if one fails, Keptn prevents the deployment from running.

The value of these annotations corresponds to the values of the name field of each KeptnTaskDefinition resource. These resources contain re-usable “functions” that can execute before and after the deployment.

If everything is fine, the deployment continues and afterward, a Slack notification is sent with the result of the deployment

Example of pre- and post-deployment actions

A comprehensive example of pre- and post-deployment evaluations and tasks can be found in our examples folder, where we use Podtato-Head to run some simple pre-deployment checks.

To run the example, download the example then issue the following commands:

cd ./examples/podtatohead-deployment/
kubectl apply -f .

Afterward, use the following command to monitor the status of the deployment:

kubectl get keptnworkloadversion -n podtato-kubectl -w

The deployment for a workload stays in a Pending state until the respective pre-deployment check is successfully completed. Afterwards, the deployment starts and when the workload is deployed, the post-deployment checks start.