
Reference information for metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3



Package v1alpha3 contains API Schema definitions for the metrics v1alpha3 API group

Resource Types


Analysis is the Schema for the analyses API

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string Analysis
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec AnalysisSpec
status AnalysisStatus


AnalysisDefinition is the Schema for the analysisdefinitions APIs

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string AnalysisDefinition
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec AnalysisDefinitionSpec
status string unused field


AnalysisDefinitionList contains a list of AnalysisDefinition

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string AnalysisDefinitionList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items AnalysisDefinition array x


AnalysisDefinitionSpec defines the desired state of AnalysisDefinition

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
objectives Objective array Objectives defines a list of objectives to evaluate for an analysis
totalScore TotalScore TotalScore defines the required score for an analysis to be successful x


AnalysisList contains a list of Analysis

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string AnalysisList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Analysis array x


AnalysisSpec defines the desired state of Analysis

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
timeframe Timeframe Timeframe specifies the range for the corresponding query in the AnalysisValueTemplate. Please note that either a combination of ‘from’ and ’to’ or the ‘recent’ property may be set. If neither is set, the Analysis can not be added to the cluster. x
args object (keys:string, values:string) Args corresponds to a map of key/value pairs that can be used to substitute placeholders in the AnalysisValueTemplate query. i.e. for args foo:bar the query could be “query:percentile(95)?scope=tag(my_foo_label:{{.foo}})”.
analysisDefinition ObjectReference AnalysisDefinition refers to the AnalysisDefinition, a CRD that stores the AnalysisValuesTemplates x


Underlying type: string

AnalysisState represents the state of the analysis

Appears in:


AnalysisStatus stores the status of the overall analysis returns also pass or warnings

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
timeframe Timeframe Timeframe describes the time frame which is evaluated by the Analysis x
raw string Raw contains the raw result of the SLO computation
pass boolean Pass returns whether the SLO is satisfied
warning boolean Warning returns whether the analysis returned a warning
state string State describes the current state of the Analysis (Pending/Progressing/Completed) x
storedValues object (keys:string, values:ProviderResult) StoredValues contains all analysis values that have already been retrieved successfully


AnalysisValueTemplate is the Schema for the analysisvaluetemplates API

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string AnalysisValueTemplate
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec AnalysisValueTemplateSpec Spec contains the specification for the AnalysisValueTemplate
status string unused field


AnalysisValueTemplateList contains a list of AnalysisValueTemplate

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string AnalysisValueTemplateList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items AnalysisValueTemplate array x


AnalysisValueTemplateSpec defines the desired state of AnalysisValueTemplate

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
provider ObjectReference Provider refers to the KeptnMetricsProvider which should be used to retrieve the data x
query string Query represents the query to be run. It can include placeholders that are defined using the go template syntax. More info on go templating - https://pkg.go.dev/text/template x


Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
value string Value represents the resulting value x
range RangeSpec Range represents the time range for which this data was queried x
lastUpdated Time LastUpdated represents the time when the status data was last updated x
errMsg string ErrMsg represents the error details when the query could not be evaluated


KeptnMetric is the Schema for the keptnmetrics API

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string KeptnMetric
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec KeptnMetricSpec
status KeptnMetricStatus


KeptnMetricList contains a list of KeptnMetric

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string KeptnMetricList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items KeptnMetric array x


KeptnMetricSpec defines the desired state of KeptnMetric

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
provider ProviderRef Provider represents the provider object x
query string Query represents the query to be run x
fetchIntervalSeconds integer FetchIntervalSeconds represents the update frequency in seconds that is used to update the metric x
range RangeSpec Range represents the time range for which data is to be queried


KeptnMetricStatus defines the observed state of KeptnMetric

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
value string Value represents the resulting value
rawValue integer array RawValue represents the resulting value in raw format
lastUpdated Time LastUpdated represents the time when the status data was last updated
errMsg string ErrMsg represents the error details when the query could not be evaluated
intervalResults IntervalResult array IntervalResults contain a slice of all the interval results


KeptnMetricsProvider is the Schema for the keptnmetricsproviders API

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string KeptnMetricsProvider
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec KeptnMetricsProviderSpec
status string unused field


KeptnMetricsProviderList contains a list of KeptnMetricsProvider

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string metrics.keptn.sh/v1alpha3
kind string KeptnMetricsProviderList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items KeptnMetricsProvider array x


KeptnMetricsProviderSpec defines the desired state of KeptnMetricsProvider

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
type string Type represents the provider type. This can be one of prometheus, dynatrace, datadog, dql. x
targetServer string TargetServer defined the URL at which the metrics provider is reachable with included port and protocol. x
secretKeyRef SecretKeySelector SecretKeyRef defines an optional secret for access credentials to the metrics provider.


Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
name string Name defines the name of the referenced object x
namespace string Namespace defines the namespace of the referenced object


Objective defines an objective for analysis

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
analysisValueTemplateRef ObjectReference AnalysisValueTemplateRef refers to the appropriate AnalysisValueTemplate x
target Target Target defines failure or warning criteria
weight integer Weight can be used to emphasize the importance of one Objective over the others 1
keyObjective boolean KeyObjective defines whether the whole analysis fails when this objective’s target is not met false


Operator specifies the supported operators for value comparisons

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
lessThanOrEqual OperatorValue LessThanOrEqual represents ‘<=’ operator
lessThan OperatorValue LessThan represents ‘<’ operator
greaterThan OperatorValue GreaterThan represents ‘>’ operator
greaterThanOrEqual OperatorValue GreaterThanOrEqual represents ‘>=’ operator
equalTo OperatorValue EqualTo represents ‘==’ operator
inRange RangeValue InRange represents operator checking the value is inclusively in the defined range, e.g. 2 <= x <= 5
notInRange RangeValue NotInRange represents operator checking the value is exclusively out of the defined range, e.g. x < 2 AND x > 5


OperatorValue represents the value to which the result is compared

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
fixedValue Quantity FixedValue defines the value for comparison x


ProviderRef represents the provider object

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
name string Name of the provider x


ProviderResult stores reference of already collected provider query associated to its objective template

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
objectiveReference ObjectReference Objective store reference to corresponding objective template
query string Query represents the executed query
value string Value is the value the provider returned
errMsg string ErrMsg stores any possible error at retrieval time


RangeSpec defines the time range for which data is to be queried

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
interval string Interval specifies the duration of the time interval for the data query 5m
step string Step represents the query resolution step width for the data query
aggregation string Aggregation defines the type of aggregation function to be applied on the data. Accepted values: p90, p95, p99, max, min, avg, median
storedResults integer StoredResults indicates the upper limit of how many past results should be stored in the status of a KeptnMetric


RangeValue represents a range which the value should fit

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
lowBound Quantity LowBound defines the lower bound of the range x
highBound Quantity HighBound defines the higher bound of the range x


Target defines the failure and warning criteria

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
failure Operator Failure defines limits up to which an analysis fails
warning Operator Warning defines limits where the result does not pass or fail


Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
from Time From is the time of start for the query. This field follows RFC3339 time format
to Time To is the time of end for the query. This field follows RFC3339 time format
recent Duration Recent describes a recent timeframe using a duration string. E.g. Setting this to ‘5m’ provides an Analysis for the last five minutes


TotalScore defines the required score for an analysis to be successful

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
passPercentage integer PassPercentage defines the threshold to reach for an analysis to pass x
warningPercentage integer WarningPercentage defines the threshold to reach for an analysis to pass with a ‘warning’ status x