API Reference

Reference information about the APIs that Keptn provides

This section provides comprehensive reference information about all APIs that are defined In Keptn. This section is auto-generated from source code.

Each CRD is an object of an API library. Keptn APIs follow the Kubernetes API versioning scheme. and are themselves composed of objects and sub-objects. The Keptn CRDs extend the base Kubernetes API with new objects and functionality. Keptn APIs follow API versioning conventions recommended by Kubernetes.

Keptn generates most of the resources it needs without requiring manual input. Lifecycle CRD Reference and Metrics CRD Reference contains reference pages for the manifests that must be populated manually.

Use kubectl to inspect the current contents of any Keptn resource:

  1. List all resources of the specified type within a certain namespace. For example, to list all the KeptnApp resources in the namespace1 namespace, the command is:

    kubectl get keptnapps -n namespace1
  2. Get the current manifest for the specified resource. For example, to view the manifest for the my-keptn-app resource in the namespace1 namespace, the command is:

    kubectl get keptnapp -n <namespace> my-keptn-app -oyaml

For more information about the APIs and Custom Resources, see the Kubernetes documentation:

Lifecycle API

Reference information about the Lifecycle API

Metrics API

Reference information about the Metrics API

Options API

Reference information about the Options API