
Reference information for lifecycle.keptn.sh/v1alpha4



Package v1alpha4 contains API Schema definitions for the lifecycle v1alpha4 API group

Resource Types


KeptnWorkloadVersion is the Schema for the keptnworkloadversions API

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string lifecycle.keptn.sh/v1alpha4
kind string KeptnWorkloadVersion
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec KeptnWorkloadVersionSpec Spec describes the desired state of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.
status KeptnWorkloadVersionStatus Status describes the current state of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.


KeptnWorkloadVersionList contains a list of KeptnWorkloadVersion

Field Description Default Optional
apiVersion string lifecycle.keptn.sh/v1alpha4
kind string KeptnWorkloadVersionList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items KeptnWorkloadVersion array x


KeptnWorkloadVersionSpec defines the desired state of KeptnWorkloadVersion

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
app string AppName is the name of the KeptnApp containing the KeptnWorkload. x
version string Version defines the version of the KeptnWorkload. x
preDeploymentTasks string array PreDeploymentTasks is a list of all tasks to be performed during the pre-deployment phase of the KeptnWorkload. The items of this list refer to the names of KeptnTaskDefinitions located in the same namespace as the KeptnApp, or in the Keptn namespace.
postDeploymentTasks string array PostDeploymentTasks is a list of all tasks to be performed during the post-deployment phase of the KeptnWorkload. The items of this list refer to the names of KeptnTaskDefinitions located in the same namespace as the KeptnWorkload, or in the Keptn namespace.
preDeploymentEvaluations string array PreDeploymentEvaluations is a list of all evaluations to be performed during the pre-deployment phase of the KeptnWorkload. The items of this list refer to the names of KeptnEvaluationDefinitions located in the same namespace as the KeptnWorkload, or in the Keptn namespace.
postDeploymentEvaluations string array PostDeploymentEvaluations is a list of all evaluations to be performed during the post-deployment phase of the KeptnWorkload. The items of this list refer to the names of KeptnEvaluationDefinitions located in the same namespace as the KeptnWorkload, or in the Keptn namespace.
resourceReference ResourceReference ResourceReference is a reference to the Kubernetes resource (Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet or ReplicaSet) the KeptnWorkload is representing. x
workloadName string WorkloadName is the name of the KeptnWorkload. x
previousVersion string PreviousVersion is the version of the KeptnWorkload that has been deployed prior to this version.
traceId object (keys:string, values:string) TraceId contains the OpenTelemetry trace ID.


KeptnWorkloadVersionStatus defines the observed state of KeptnWorkloadVersion

Appears in:

Field Description Default Optional
preDeploymentStatus string PreDeploymentStatus indicates the current status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion’s PreDeployment phase. Pending
deploymentStatus string DeploymentStatus indicates the current status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion’s Deployment phase. Pending
preDeploymentEvaluationStatus string PreDeploymentEvaluationStatus indicates the current status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion’s PreDeploymentEvaluation phase. Pending
postDeploymentEvaluationStatus string PostDeploymentEvaluationStatus indicates the current status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion’s PostDeploymentEvaluation phase. Pending
postDeploymentStatus string PostDeploymentStatus indicates the current status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion’s PostDeployment phase. Pending
preDeploymentTaskStatus ItemStatus array PreDeploymentTaskStatus indicates the current state of each preDeploymentTask of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.
postDeploymentTaskStatus ItemStatus array PostDeploymentTaskStatus indicates the current state of each postDeploymentTask of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.
preDeploymentEvaluationTaskStatus ItemStatus array PreDeploymentEvaluationTaskStatus indicates the current state of each preDeploymentEvaluation of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.
postDeploymentEvaluationTaskStatus ItemStatus array PostDeploymentEvaluationTaskStatus indicates the current state of each postDeploymentEvaluation of the KeptnWorkloadVersion.
startTime Time StartTime represents the time at which the deployment of the KeptnWorkloadVersion started.
endTime Time EndTime represents the time at which the deployment of the KeptnWorkloadVersion finished.
currentPhase string CurrentPhase indicates the current phase of the KeptnWorkloadVersion. This can be: - PreDeploymentTasks - PreDeploymentEvaluations - Deployment - PostDeploymentTasks - PostDeploymentEvaluations
phaseTraceIDs MapCarrier PhaseTraceIDs contains the trace IDs of the OpenTelemetry spans of each phase of the KeptnWorkloadVersion
status string Status represents the overall status of the KeptnWorkloadVersion. Pending